Eat! Drink! Smoke! Episode 6 - Brett Kavanaugh Confirmed And The Pineapple Pizza Fight
October 7th, 2018 · 37 mins 11 secs
About this Episode
The latest episode of Eat! Drink! Smoke! – a review of bourbon, cigars and great food mixed with some conversation of the news and culture of the day with radio host and entertainer Tony Katz.
This episode was recorded as the confirmation vote took place on Judge Brett Kavanaugh. He was confirmed to the Supreme Court. So, with him in mind:
**The Eat? – Domino's Pizza
The Drink? – Bud Light
The Smoke? – The Ivy from La Aurora
Kavanaugh's confirmation did not come without controversy, and it has no end in sight. Tony says that Oct. 6th is the day that you can mark the start of the new Civil War. He added to it here - "Look, call it what you will. Maybe someone will come up with a better name for what it is we are seeing in America. But when people call Sen. Susan Collins of Maine, "pro-rape?" We have a problem that doesn't just go away with the next news cycle."
Fingers Malloy likes pineapple and banana pepper pizza. Yeah, it's wierd. But why does pineapple bring out such anger in people, and what's the point of being faux outraged about everything you see and hear? Also, Domino's Philly Cheesesteak Pizza? Not bad at all.
Oh, and Tony flat out disses Chicago pizza.
Tony is joined by radio host and podcaster Fingers Malloy and podcaster and social media maven April D. Gregory. Recorded at Blend Bar Cigar in Indianapolis.